Eastern Mediterranean gas outlook gets murkier
When the first gas discoveries in the Eastern Mediterranean were made more than a decade ago, many commentators expected the area to become an energy hub. However, market conditions have become worse...
Ο Κυπριακός Όμιλος εταιρειών EDT Group κλείνει 40 χρόνια
Ο Κυπριακός ‘Ομιλος εταιρειών EDT Group κλείνει φέτος 40 χρόνια συνεχούς και αδιάλειπτης δραστηριότητας στον χώρο της Ναυτιλιακής Υποστήριξης της βιομηχανίας εξόρυξης υδρογονανθράκων, παράκτιων...
Natural gas in Greece: The bridge to decarbonisation
Given the time it takes to build up new renewables and with the increasing penetration of renewables creating a greater volatility due to the lack of a stable and predictable production, natural gas...
Coronavirus hits investments in renewables
Coronavirus has deeply affected all aspects of global economy causing an unprecedented drop of - or even freezing - activity across almost all industries. Less but not insignificant impact is...
All individuals involved in the Greek Energy Forum - including the Management Committee, Focus Group Heads/Deputy Heads, Steering Committee, as well as standard members - are serving in their personal capacity.
The analysis and opinions they express through the Greek Energy Forum are their own and do not reflect the view of their respective employers.